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>"Sawai, you ready?"


>"Yes, I'm ok to go!"

>Nagisa-senpai and I, 

>after exchanging glances in front of room 306, 

>smiled and nodded to one another reassuringly.


>"Oook, it's IV time."

>The energetic voices I heard from outside

>suddenly stopped.


>"Just like always.

[014] みんな慣れちゃったよね?」
>Everyone's gotten used to this, huh."

>Nagisa-senpai picks up an IV bottle.

>With a friendly grin, 

>I help out Nagisa-senpai prepare the IVs.


>"Ok then,

[020] 端っこの子から行きますよー」
>we'll start from the person at the very end."

>As Nagisa-senpai makes a full smile that's unnatural,

>Shou-chan, at the very end of her bed, 

>desperately closes her eyes.


>"K, Shou-chan, hang in there!"

>Maybe it's because Shou-chan is at the end of her bed away from Nagisa-senpai that

>she usually has her IV put on first.

>Seems like she already understands.

>Things that are difficult to deal with are difficult to deal with after all......


>"This might sting a bit."


>(check translation) "No......!"


>"It won't hurt, it won't hurt.

[036] ね、痛くないでしょ?」
>Cmon, it won't hurt."


>"It, won't won't, hurt......"

>Tightly closing her eyes, she slightly trembles.

>If I can feel the pain,

>then I know the rest of the kids are scared.

>So, even if it does hurt, she's putting up with it......She's strong.


>"You were great, Shou-chan.

[045] じゃ次は……」
>Then, next up......"


>(check translation) "N-n-noooooo!"

>Meeting eyes with Nagisa-senpai, Kohaku-chan

>finally started crying.


>"Ah, um......what's the matter?

[052] 大丈夫だよ〜、痛くないよ〜?
>It'll be alright~, it won't hurt, ok~?

[053] ほら昨日も頑張れたでしょ?」
>Cmon, you did your best yesterday, right?"

>While Kohaku feels flustered and cries,

>Nagisa-senpai pets her head.


>"No, I don't wanna!

[058] 昨日の看護婦さんがいいよう!
>I want the nurse from yesterday!

[059] うわぁぁぁんっ!」

>......The nurse from yesterday.....was Yamanouchi-san if I recall.

>When it comes to handling kids, she's definitely skilled.

>Nagisa-senpai, as if feeling troubled, looks at me.

>I have no idea on what to do, but

>if I do it like the way Yamanouchi-san did before,

>then maybe she'll stop crying!?

>Her way is probably impossible for me, but

>there's merit in trying!

>Yamanouchi-san made a flower out of tissue that caught the patient's attention

>and quickly finished the job.

>But I, 

>can't make a flower immediately......


>"It doesn't hurt.

[074] ほら、一瞬だし。
>See, it'll just be an instant.

[075] いつもやってるでしょ、ね?」
>That's how it usually is, right?



[078] お注射いやなのっ!」
>I hate injections!"

>Isn't there something I can do.....

>Rummaging through my pockets, I suddenly realized

>my ball pen that was fastened on my apron.

>A pen with a cute bunny-san character.

>Even with kids, it's very popular.  If I use this......

>Taking out the ball pen and making sure that the bunny character is visible, 

>I held it out in front of Kohaku-chan.


>"Hello, I'm Gaburin!

[088] あなたのお名前、何ていうの?」
>And what is your name?"

>As she stopped crying for an instant,

>she blankly looks at the ball pen.


>"Could you tell me your name?"




>"I see, so you're Kohaku-chan!

[097] がぶりん、お友達がほしいんだ!
>Gaburin would like to have friends!

[098] わたしと仲良くしてくれるかなっ?」
>Would you be friends with me?"


>after gazing at the bunny-san mascot,

>plesantly smiled.


>"Yes, I'd love to!

[104] がぶりんのお友達になってあげる!」
>I'll be Gaburin's friend!"

>Nagisa-senpai, now's your chance!

>(check translation) When I looked up at her,

>Nagisa-senpai, as if surprised, nodded

>and got the IV needle.


>"Kohaku-chan is strong.

[111] がぶりん、頑張り屋さんのこはくちゃんが大好きだよ」
>Gaburin really likes Kohaku-chan when she tries her best."



>As Kohaku makes her eyes sparkle

>while being entranced by the ball pen bunny-san,

>Nagisa-senpai quickly sticks the needle in.


>"Alright, all done."




>"Kohaku-chan, you were strong.

[123] さすが、がぶりんのお友達だねー。
>You are Gaburin's friend after all.

[124] えらいねー」
>How great is that!"


>"It's already over?"


>That's right.  You pulled through.



>Kohaku-chan smiled embarrassingly.

>Suddenly, on the other side of Kohaku-chan,

>I realized Ami-chan looking at me.


>......The next, me.

[136] ね、がぶりん!」
>Right, Gaburin!"

>Let's see......

>I guess I have to do the

>"I'm Gaburin" thing to the high-schooler Ami-chan.


>"Hey hey, I did my best too.

[142] わたしもがぶりんとお友達なんだよねっ!?」
>I can be friends with Gaburin as well, right!?"

>In the neighboring bed, Shou-chan is wriggling.


>"Why of course!

[146] こはくちゃんもショウちゃんも、
>Kohaku-chan, Shou-chan, and everyone else

[147] みんながぶりんとお友達だよっ!」
>can be friends with Gaburin!"

>All the kids smile giggling.


>"Sawai, thanks.

[151] 助かったわ」
>You're a big help."

>After sticking Ami-chan's IV needle,

>as if feeling relived, Nagisa-senpai

>gave me a pat on my shoulder.

>Having it done like this while having the kids distracted

>and doing the injection is one of many techniques

>that I've got to be able to do.....

>Thinking like this, being a nurse is tough~!

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