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Full text: 174 lines
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>"Yo, newbie!

[003] 仕事にはもう慣れた?」
>Have you gotten used to working here yet?"



>Someone came up and slapped me on the back when I was in the middle of writing out some paperwork.

>It was hard enough to make me cough, but more than that...


>"Ahh, the temperature chart!!"

>There was a long straight line in colored pencil

>straight across part of the temperature chart I had been updating...


>"Give me a break Yamanouchi-san..."


>"Ahh, my bad, my bad.

[016] そんな泣きそうな顔せんでも、
>C'mon don't get all teary-eyed like that,

[017] 消したらええやん、そんなもん」
>you can just erase it, right?"

>Taking the sheet with its errant blue mark 

>from my hands, Yamanouchi-san

>also took an eraser and started erasing the line.

>... I guess she's a nice person,

>but she's a bit eccentric too.


>"Ah, that reminds me.

[025] 自分、太田井さんの点滴、
>I think Ootai-san's IV drip

[026] 滴下速度、早すぎてたで?」
>was dripping a bit fast, wasn't it?"




>"Ootai-san's a little high-strung, ya know?

[031] 点滴が早く終わるのも、遅く終わるのも、
>They get all riled up when their IV

[032] めっちゃ気にするねん」
>goes too quickly or too slowly"


>"Ah... sorry"


>"That's something your preceptor

[037] きっちりチェックするもんやけど
>should've noticed, but

[038] 藤沢は藤沢で手一杯やもんなぁ」
>Fujisawa-san's had her hands pretty full lately"


>"By the way,

[041] あんたから見た藤沢って、どう?」
>what do you think of Fujisawa-san?"


>"What do I think of her?"

>I didn't really get what Fujisawa-san

>was trying to ask.

>Could she be wanting

>me to badmouth Nagisa-senpai?



[050] わたしの尊敬する先輩です」
>is someone I look up to very much"


>"Nah, nah, that's not what I meant.

[053] 警戒せんでええよ、
>You don't need to get defensive,

[054] 藤沢がどうこう言いたいわけやないねん」
>I'm not asking for you to gossip about her"


>"Fujisawa's doin' her best, but

[057] まだ二年目やからなぁ、
>it's still her second year.

[058] 傍から見てて危なっかしいねん」
>(check translation) Watching her from the side is a bit dangerous though."


>"Fujisawa has times where she's just swamped with normal work duties.

[061] プリセプターさせるんは早かったんちゃうか、て
>Making her a preceptor was fast

[062] うちは思てんねん」
>I think."


>"Sometimes she'd be alone 

[065] 次は何したらええんかわからんと
>in the corner of the office spaced out,

[066] ボケッとしとる時もあるしな」
>wondering what to do."


>".....I can't deny

[069] 否定しませんが……。
>what you said......

[070] でも、なぎさ先輩は……!」
>but, Nagisa-senpai......!"


>(check translation) "Fujisawa's doing what she can.

[073] それはうちも主任も、他のスタッフも
>I, the chief and the other staff

[074] ちゃんとわかってるから、安心し」
>know that, so it's reassuring."


>"But it's still her second year,

[077] 新人に毛が生えたくらいやから
>so she has a long ways to 

[078] どうしても穴があるやろ」
>go before mentoring a newbie."


>"Oh yeah, when Fujisawa's at her wits' end,

[081] あんたがフォローしたってほしいねん」
>I want you to support her."


>"Eh......, but Nagisa-senpai

[084] なぎさ先輩のフォローは……」
>is older and always the one leading......"


>"Of course, I get that the newbie leading

[087] できっこないのはわかっとる」
>is something that usually doesn't happen."


>"What I want you to do

[090] 何でもかんでも藤沢に聞くんやなくて、
>by all means, is instead of asking Fujisawa for advice,

[091] 他の手の空いてる人にも聞け、ってこと」
>you should consult with other people who aren't so busy."


>"If you lean on her too much,

[094] 藤沢も潰れてしまうやろ?」
>she'll end up collasping, you know?"


>"So that doesn't happen,

[097] 寄りかかる負担先を
>(check translation) I want you to think of ways

[098] 臨機応変にチョイスしてほしいねん」
>(check translation) of handling situations yourself."


>"So you're saying I should ask people

[101] 質問しろ、ってことですか?」
>other than Nagisa-senpai once in a while?"


>"The nuance is a bit off."


>"Fujisawa is your preceptor, but

[106] プリセプターだけが藤沢の仕事やないねん。
>but that's not just her only job.

[107] それはわかるな?」
>You understand?"



[110] わたしの指導以外に、
>Outside of guiding me,

[111] 部屋も担当してますから……あ!」
>she's also in charge of rooms filled with patience.....ah!"


>"So you finally got it?"

>I see

>While she's doing her normal work duties,

>she's guiding me as well.

>So in times when she seems to be swamped with work,

>I should ask others.

>By doing that, Nagisa-senpai's burdens

>will be less.  That's what Yasuko

>is telling me.

>But if she tells me straight up

>not to ask Nagisa-senpai about stuff,

>I feel like it's hard for me to ask anyone.

>If that's the case,

>then I have to make my own judgements on my own.

>That could lead to some kind of medical error, but......

>Having said that, if Yasuko didn't tell me anything,

>when it came time to asking people other than Nagisa-senpai,

>I'd probably just end up feeling awkward and hesitant.


>said don't put anymore burdens on Nagisa-senpai.

>There are other nurses as well as Yamanouchi-san herself

>here to help out.


>"I see!

[137] わたし、なぎさ先輩にしか
>I won't just ask Nagisa-senpai

[138] 質問しちゃいけないのかと思ってました」
>for things."


>"The preceptor system

[141] 基本、マンツーマンやからね。
>is basically man-to-man.

[142] そう思い込んでても無理ないわ」
>So it's understandable to ask her for stuff."


>"So if you want to help her out

[145] どう助けを求めてええんか
>when she blows a fuse,

[146] わからんようになるからなぁ」
>make sure to find a way."


>"While she's at her wits' end, she's gotten used to things, but

[149] 二年目の藤沢に、新人指導はまだ荷が重い。
>it's only her second year here and trying to guide a newbie is having a lot to burden.

[150] 少なくとも、うちにはそう見える」
>At least, that's how it seems to me."


>So, make your own adjustments.

[153] 藤沢が忙しそうな時は、負担をかけんように
>In times where Fujisawa is busy,

[154] 他の人に質問、な」
>ask others in a way that doesn't burden people."


>"Can you

[157] ……できるな?」
>promise me that?"


>extended her pinky finger to me.

>This is a pinky swear?

>When I look at her,

>she smiles mischievously.

>Gently connecting our pinkies,

>she smiled pleasantly.


>"It's a girl to girl promise, ok?"



>Yamanouchi-san..... has been thinking of

>Nagisa-senpai and myself......

>She's a good person.....


>The blue line

>is still on the temperature chart though...

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