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Full text: 287 lines
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>Someone called out to me from behind

>as I made my way back to the nurse station.


>"Um, um, Ms. Nurse!"

[005]ん? あれ?
>Hm? Wha?


>"What's the matter, Asada-san?"


>"Aw, don't call me Asada-san.

[010] 他の人みたいに、あみちゃん、って
>Just call me 'Ami-chan' 

[011] 呼んでください……えと、沢井、さん?」
>like everyone else does... um, 'Sawai'-san?"

>I was surprised for a second

>when she called me by name, but...

>then I realized she had just read my name-tag.

>Setting that aside, even though I had been told

>that Ami-chan is a high schooler

>... seeing her again,

>I still can't believe she's any older than middle-school age.

>I wonder if I had ever been stuck between ages like her at some point.



[022] じゃあ、あみちゃん、
>Okay, Ami-chan then.

[023] どうかしたの?」
>How can I help you?"


>"Oh it's nothing. I just felt like calling you.

[026] その……迷惑でした?」
>Um... sorry was that a bother?"

>She gazed at me with upturned eyes.

>Ahh, if you make a face like that,

>I'll definitely forgive you of anything.


>"Oh it's not trouble.

[032] 話しかけてくれるのは嬉しいな」
>I'm actually glad you came to talk to me"


>"Uh, well...

[035] わたし、ナースさん、新人さんなのに
>I was just thinking, even though you just started working here

[036] すごく頑張ってるなって思って……」
>you're really working hard, is all..."


>"When I see you smiling no matter how crazy things get,

[039] わたしも元気になれそうだな、って
>it makes me feel like I should do my best too,

[040] そう思って……」
>I guess..."



>I myself had absolutely no idea what kind of face

>I was making while I worked.

>It seems that just by working with a smile,

>a nurse can help encourage the patients...


>"Ah, I'm so sorry

[049] 生意気言ってゴメンナサイ!」
>talking down to you like that!"


>"I'm sorry for getting in the way of your work!

[052] 頑張ってくださいね!」
>Please do your best!"

>I hurriedly called out to Ami-chan,

>who was already quickly heading back to her room.


>"Thank you for saying that, Ami-chan,

[057] わたし、嬉しかったよ!
>it really made me happy!

[058] いつでも声をかけてね!」
>Come talk to me again anytime!"

>Ami-chan stopped at the door to her room,

>and turned to give me a bright smile.

>... ahh, she's so adorable.

>When I got back to the nurse station

>the chief was in the middle of a call.

>And Nagisa-senpai... still hadn't returned.


>"I'm back"


>"...alright, I understand.

[069] 至急、再提出します」
>We'll resubmit it as soon as possible"

>... alrighty, guess I'll write that report now...


>"Good timing, Sawai-san"




>"Sorry, but could you go to the laboratory, get a vial 

[077] 浅田さんに届けてくれないかしら?」
>and take it to Asada-san?"




>"She was supposed to have a culture taken,

[082] 検体の不具合で再検査なの」
>but the sample was unusable, so we'll need to take another"




>"Just take a vial to Asada-san.

[087] 本人はわかってるから
>She knows what to do with it,

[088] 特に説明は不要よ」
>so there's no real need to explain"


>"Alright, please take care of it"

>The chief, who was usually so quick to read my expression,

>now seemed to be in a bit of a hurry.

>So without seeing my confusion,

>she left the nurse's station.


>"Well... I just need to get a vial from the lab,

[097] それをあみちゃんに渡せばいい
>and take it to Ami-chan

[098] ……ってことよね」
>... right?"


>I told the lab-tech at the teller window for the lab that I was from

>internal medicine, and she handed me a small vial.

>The vial was a semi-transparent white container,

>a little thicker than a middle finger,

>that reminded me of a blood collection tube.

>... the lab-tech

>sort of looked like she was holding back a laugh.

>I wonder why...?


>"Excuse me...

[110] えっと、浅田さん!」
>Um, Asada-san!"


>"Ah, Ms. Nurse!"


>"Jeez, I told you to call me

[115] 言ったのに〜」

>Ah, that's right she did.


>"Sorry, Ami-chan"


>"I wouldn't mind if you called me A-min either.

[121] 可愛いでしょ、えへ」
>Doesn't it sound cute? Hehe"


>"Hmm... I don't think that would be a good idea..."

>In nursing school I had heard

>'you are a nurse, not a friend!' 

>so much that it got real old.

>If I started calling this girl 'A-min'

>I think the chief would get on my case for sure.

>Not a good idea, definitely.


>"Um... did you come about the...

[132] ……もしかして、アレの再検査……ですか?」
>... you know, I've gotta do THAT again... right?"

[133]ん? アレ?
>Huh? What?

>I don't really get what she's saying but,

>she's right about the re-doing part.


>"Well, I brought a vial from the laboratory.

[138] これ、わかる?」
>Do you know what this is for?"

>I held out the vial for her,

>and Ami-chan went red to the tips of her ears.


>"W, well last time I was here

[143] 前回の入院の時にも間違えちゃって!」
>I did this all wrong!"



>Ami-chan opened the cap of the vial.

>Inside the vial

>there was a small cotton swab

>like the kind you would clean your ears with.


>"Last time was about half a year ago,

[152] その時も、入れる穴を間違えて
>and that time I didn't put it in the right hole

[153] 再検査になったんですよね」
>so I had to do it all over again later"




>"I told the chief I might have put it in the wrong place,

[158] 取り敢えず、提出してみることになって……
>but we submitted it anyway...

[159] でもやっぱり前に入っちゃってたんだ」
>But it turned out I had totally stuck it in the front by mistake"

>She seemed completely embarrassed to be admitting this.


>"Um... I'll

[163] ナースステーションに持っていきますね」
>bring this by the nurse station later"


>"Ah, of course.

[166] じゃ、詰所で待ってるね」
>I'll be waiting at the nurse station, then"

>I don't really get it,

>but anyway she said she'd bring it by the nurse station later.


>"Ahh, so embarrassing"



>Ah, the chief came back.


>"Did you run that errand?"


>"Ah, yes.

[178] 浅田さんに渡したら
>When I gave the vial to Asada-san,

[179] 本人はわかったようですが……」
>she seemed to know what it was for..."


>"... but you didn't, correct?"

>She got me.


>"Do you remember what Asada-san is suffering from?"

>When she said that,

>I pulled Asada-san's carte from my memory.



[189] ……腹痛、でしたよね?」
>... it was, abdominal pain, wasn't it?"


>"She came her on April 1st.

[192] あなたの入職日と同じ」
>Your first day of work"


>"Or in other words, her initial

[195] ルーチン検査がまだ終わってないの」
>routine labs haven't been completed yet"


>"I see"

>... I don't see at all.

>Chief, just what are you trying to tell me?


>"To put it plainly, we don't currently know

[202] 原因の検査中なの。
>what the cause of her abdominal pain is.

[203] で、腹痛の原因を言ってみて」
>So then, what are the possible causes of abdominal pain?"

>What? The possible causes...??


>"Ah, appendicitis, or...

[207] 胃潰瘍とか、大腸がんとか?」
>a stomach ulcer or... maybe colorectal cancer?"


>"Appendicitis can be found with blood tests,

[210] 胃潰瘍・大腸がんならファイバーで
>and we can search for both ulcers and colorectal cancer

[211] 一発で確定できるわね」
>by checking her fiber levels"


>"That girl has a history of Nephrosis

[214] 膀胱炎の既往があるの」
>as well as cystitis"


>"Since this time she appears to have pain in her lower abdomen,

[217] 可能性は薄れて、てっきり膀胱炎の
>the possibility of it being a relapse of her Nephrosis is slim,

[218] 再燃かと思われていたのだけれど」
>so the possibility of it being the cystitis again is high"


>"So it's not Nephrosis"


>"Yes. Through the X-Ray

[223] 大腸内に便塊が見られたので、
>we saw a build-up of waste in her colon,

[224] もしかしたら、ただの便秘かもしれない」
>so it could also be simple constipation"


>"Then again it might not be.

[227] それを確定するための
>This culture we're testing for her

[228] 便培養検査なの」
>should help us determine what it really is"


>"Ah, you're talking about Asada-san, right?

[231] やっぱり穴違いだったんですか?」
>Did she swab the wrong hole again?"

>Nagisa-senpai returned and

>joined in the conversation.




>"Since she was constipated we couldn't get a stool sample,

[238] 肛門に突っ込んでもらうことにしたんだけど、
>so we needed her to do an anal swab for us,

[239] 穴、間違えちゃったみたいね」
>but she swabbed the wrong hole"

>... ah, so that's what it was.


>"Could you un-married girls please

[243] そんな軽々しく、穴、穴って
>stop saying 'hole, hole'

[244] 何度も言わないの!」
>so casually!"

>The chief gave

>Nagisa-senpai a light smack

>with the papers she was holding.


>"Kyaa~ I'm sorry~"

>Huh, was the chief

>really blushing just now...?


>"Besides, there are

[254] 前に入れちゃう人もいるのよ、
>quite often people who accidentally swab the wrong place on accident.

[255] 見えない部分だから仕方がないわ」
>They can't see what they're doing, so it really can't be helped can it?"

>... really?

>Well, I suppose in this wide world,

>there are all kinds of people, aren't there.

>I'd even heard from a teacher

>that there were people who couldn't even

>take a urine sample correctly.



[264] 検査容器、持って来ました〜」
>I brought the test tube~"


>"Thank you very much for bringing it,

[267] ありがとう、浅田さん」


>"Ehehe, well I can walk so it's no problem.

[270] それにナースさんたちは忙しそうだし、
>And Ms. Nurse seems so busy,

[271] 手を煩わせるのも悪いかなって……」
>so I didn't want to make more work for her"


>"I'm sorry to make you worry

[274] ごめんなさいね」
>on our behalf"



[277] 悪いけど、この検体、
>sorry but could you take the sample,

[278] 大至急で検査室に持っていってくれる?」
>to the laboratory as quickly as possible?"


>"Right, I've got it!"


>"Okay, Sawai-san. Thank you!"

>I took the vial from Ami, then waved to her

>as she made a little bow

>and then I hurried off with the sample to the lab.

>I guess all sorts of things can happen,

>even with taking one little sample, huh...

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