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>It's the newbie's job to answer the nurse call.

>But... I'm kind of scared

>of picking up the calls now...

>I keep thinking... that I'll make trouble

>for senpai and the patient again.


>"Sawai-san, the nurse call is ringing"


>"R, right..."

>Room 305... that's a 6-person room,
>with only female patients.


>"M, may I help you...?"


>"Um... excuse me...

[018] ちょっと気分が悪くなってきたので……」
>I just feel a little unwell..."

>This voice is... Chouto-san.


>"I, I see. I'll be right over"


>"The call was from Chouto-san,

[024] 行ってきます!」
>I'm headed to her room!"

>Chouto-san is suffering from Ménière's disease.

>I would imagine she's probably feeling nauseous

>from the vertigo that accompanies the sickness.

>I just need to check her vitals and

>then... and then what?

>When I got to her room, Chouto-san was

>gripping her gargle basin

>and sitting despondently against the headboard of her bed.


>"Chouto-san, are you alright?"


>"... yes, I was just a little dizzy..."

>I rubbed Chouto-san's back as she

>responded weakly.

>Ménière's includes

>dizziness caused by vertigo, momentary loss of hearing, tinnitus and... anything else?

>The suggested care is... huh?

>What was it?

>Ahhh, why didn't I study more properly?

>Why oh why didn't I pay more attention

>in class when I was at school!!

>It's not too late, right?

>I've got to get up to speed before it's too late!

>I should learn about the ailments

>that the patients in this hospital have

>at the very least!

>If I can't do that,

>there's no way I'll ever become a good nurse!





[057] どうかしたんですか?」
>Is something wrong?"


>"...I'm not sure but...

[060] なんだかめまいが楽になってきたような……」
>I think my dizziness has gotten a little better..."



>I stopped my stroking of Chouto-san's back,

>and looked at my own hand.

>Was this really...?


>"And the ringing in my ears has gotten quieter.

[068] 看護婦さんが
>It's thanks to you

[069] 背中をさすってくれたおかげかしらね」
>giving me a back-rub like that"

>I had always heard that 'teate (hand-placing)', the Japanese word for medical care

>had originally come from the thought that a simple touch could bring relief to pain,

>but I had never given it serious thought before...


>"Ah, well... I think it was just a coincidence"


>"Well it's a happy coincidence, since I'm feeling better.

[077] ありがとう、看護婦さん。
>Thank you, nurse.

[078] またお願いしようかしら……ふふ」
>I think I'll call on you again sometime... hehe"

>My hand...

>Since a long time ago,

>I've been told that, when I touch or pat a patient with my hand,

>they start to feel better right away.

>I'm sure it's just that I touched them

>just as their symptoms were starting to pass.

>I mean, obviously something like a healing touch

>is completely unscientific. This was just a coincidence, that's all.

>But being thanked

>did make me feel kind of good...


>"Please call on me anytime, if you'd like.

[091] まだ新人なので、できることが少ないから、
>I'm still just starting, so I don't know how to do everything,

[092] 少しでも役に立てることをしたいんです」
>but I'd love to help in any way I can"


>"No need to rush things.

[095] 今は、自分ができることを、少しずつ、確実に
>Just focus on doing what you can now, and increase that

[096] こなしていけばいいんだから」
>slow and steady like"

>She gave me a bright smile.

>I had no idea it could feel so good

>to get a little appreciation from a patient.


>"It's tough being a nurse, isn't it.

[102] 頑張ってね」
>Keep your chin up"


[104]「はい! 頑張ります!」
>"Thank you! I'll do my best!"


>Even I

>can get thanks from a patient now and then.

>I have to do my best to study up,

>polish my skills and make sure I can

>do everything the patients need me to!


>"I'm back!"


[114]「沢井! どうだった!?
>"Sawai! How was it!?

[115] 一人で行って、大丈夫だった!?」
>Were you alright by yourself!?"


>"Ah, yeah.

[118] 釣藤さんのメニエール発作、
>Chouto-san just needed a minute to

[119] 治まったようです」
>get over her Ménière's flaring up"


>"... thank goodness... that was all it was"

>Nagisa-senpai was really worried for me...

>She really is so nice to me...


>"Don't just stand around talking.

[126] 沢井さん、忘れない内に
>Sawai-san, right a report

[127] 記録を書いてしまいなさい」
>before you forget the details"

>A report...




>"Wh, what's wrong!?"

>... what'm I gonna do, I...



[136] わたし、バイタルサイン、測定するの
>I totally forgot

[137] 忘れてました……」
>to check her vitals..."




>"Oh come on!

[142] 大事なことなのに、
>How could you possibly forget something

[143] どーして忘れるの!!」
>that important!!"



[146] どうしよう、なぎさせんぱーい!」
>what should I do, Nagisa-senpai!"


>"... go back to

[149] 釣藤さんのところに行ってきなさい」
>Chouto-san's room again"

>I turned my back even as the chief spoke those words with a sigh,

>and left the Nurses' Station,

>headed for Chouto-san's bedside.

>Nagisa-senpai, the chief, and Chouto-san...

>they're definitely gonna lose faith in me for this, aren't they? *sigh*

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