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Full text: 292 lines
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>Today is my second day on the job!

>Well it's actually my third day in the hospital

>but I didn't really do any work on my first day,

>so I'm counting this as the second.

>Even so...

>After working a full day yesterday,

>I still haven't figured out anything yet.

>This is completely different from my internship. Completely.

>I met Nagisa-senpai while coming out of the the dorm,

>and we went to the lockers and nurse station together.

>This... is kind of nice.



[014] 今日からみっちり指導するわよー!」
>Starting today you'll see the true terror of my coaching!"



[017] ご指導ごげんたつお願いします!」
>Don' hold back!"


>"Don't trip over your own tongue!"


>"Raight, sorry!"


>"There's the nurse call!

[024] ナースコールを拾うのは
>It's the newbie's job to

[025] 新人の役目!」
>answer the nurse calls!"



>For the nurse call,

>I just have to push this button

>next to the blinking light...

>Then I pick up this thing like a phone handset

>and I can talk with the patient

>who sent out the call.


>"May I help you?"


>"There's blood! It's blood!!"




>"Did you say 'blood'!?

[042] コール、どこから!?」
>Where's the call from!?"




>"I'll go on ahead!

[047] 沢井、カート持ってきて!」
>Sawai, follow me with a cart!"



[050] なぎさ先輩!?」

>I turned back to the nurse call machine

>with no clue what to do,

>as Nagisa-senpai dashed out of the nurse station.


>What should I do?

>First I need to end this call...



[059] 今、藤沢さんが伺いました……」
>Right now, Nurse Fujisawa is headed your way..."

>Wait, I'm going too aren't I...?


>What was it Nagisa-senpai

>told me to bring?

>There aren't any nurses around in the station

>that I can ask...

>I guess I'll just run to 303

>and if there's anything we need,

>I'll come back and grab it.

>303 is just right around the hall

>from the nurse station after all.


>"Excuse me..."


>"There you are!

[075] って、カート持ってきて……ないじゃん!
>And... wait where's the cart!

[076] もー、沢井、何やってんの!」
>Come on Sawai, get it together!"




>"He's bleeding, right?

[081] 出血部位を押さえるための
>To stop the bleeding,

[082] 滅菌ガーゼは必要かもって思わない?」
>we're going to need sterile gauze, right?"


>"Ah, right"

>I looked at the patient behind Nagisa-senpai.

>Um... I think his name is Tochi-san.

>He has dementia, and due to his family circumstances

>he hasn't been able to leave the hospital for quite a while, I think.

>Tochi-san had a grin on his face.


>"It's nice you kids are so energetic"


>"Come on Tochi-san,

[094] 笑ってる場合じゃないでしょう?
>is this really a time to be grinning?

[095] また点滴引っこ抜いて!」
>You pulled your IV out again!"


>"My little granddaughter'll throw a fit

[098] せがまれとるんじゃよぅ」
>if I don't go teach her cat's cradle"


>"I think she's already got it down!

[101] もー、いつも午前中は寝てるのに
>Why oh why aren't you napping

[102] なんで今日に限って起きてるのよー、もー!」
>like you always do in the morning? Jeez!"


>So Tochi-san, who spends most mornings sleeping

>randomly woke up early today,

>and took out the IV needle

>that was stuck in his arm...and

>thus the bleeding.

>The patient in the next bed over saw the blood,

>panicked, and pushed the nurse call.


>"Come on, Sawai, don't just stand there!

[113] 処置するから、カート持ってきて!」
>I'll do the bandaging, so get me the cart!"

>Finally, this time,

>I realized Nagisa-senpai was telling me to get

>the nurse cart, which has a bunch of things

>like gauze and disinfectants in it.

>Uuu, why am I such a ditz...


>"Okay, I'm on it!"




>Nagisa set her lunch in front of her,

>and let out a long sigh...

>Well, it's to be expected.

>I was just a bit too clueless today.

>Even after we took care of Tochi-san's situation, things didn't get much better...

>Itsuwa-san in 302, who is in for urinary tract stones,

>started passing a stone and rang in on the nurse call,

>but was in so much pain from the stone that they couldn't speak

>and just kept moaning into the receiver.

>I didn't realize what was going on,

>and just kept asking "What's wrong?" 

>over and over.

>Nagisa-senpa finally told me "They're in too much pain to talk!" 

>and I did my first room call.

>I took vitals,

>measured out a sedative following the doctor's orders,

>administered it with a syringe, and checked the vitals again.

>Just when Itsuwa-san was feeling better,

>I came to take their vitals again,

>when suddenly Ootai-san in the same room started vomiting!

>Apparently Ootai-san was stressed out

>seeing Itsuwa-san groaning in pain

>right in the next bed over.

>Uuu, if only I had just run over

>right when that call came,

>instead of trying figure out what was happening first.

>The room isn't too far from the nurse station after all,

>it would have only taken me five minutes.


>I left Itsuwa-san's vital check to Nagisa-senpai,

>and cleaned up Ootai-san's vomit.

>I was on my way to dispose of the vomit

>when the nurse call started ringing again,

>but I wasn't about to go into the nurse station carrying vomit.

>So, after disposing of that I finally took the call

>only to have the patient yell "What took you so long!" in to the receiver.

>It was Ryuukaku-san, the patient in 312, a private room.

>I went with Nagisa-senpai

>to apologize for taking so long to get the call,

>but Ryuukaku-san was having none of it,

>and yelled "Call your supervisor or the head nurse!"

>I had heard he was a cantankerous old goat,

>but I didn't think he'd be this bad.

>I understand that I shouldn't be so slow getting to calls but,

>what should I have done?

>Responded to the call with a bag of vomit in my hand?



>Nagisa-senpai won't say it, of course,

>but I think she's really worn out

>from being my preceptor. 

>The biggest problem is

>my own lack of focus, I think...

>But how... how do I fix that?


>"Um... Nagisa-senpai"




>"I'm... sorry. For all the trouble"



>In response to that, Nagisa-senpai

>gave me a mystified look.

>I guess I really am causing her problems...


>"Sawai, you don't need to apologize.

[191] だって、沢井は新人なんだもん」
>You're just new, that's all.




>"Making problems for your supervisor is part of being a newbie right?

[196] それを少しでも悪いなって思うんだったら、
>If you're worried about it,

[197] さっさと成長して、あたしを楽にして。ね?」
>just get used to it as fast as possible. That'll take the load off my shoulders, right?"




>"And, when the next newbie shows up,

[202] どれだけたっぷり迷惑をかけられても
>make sure you watch over her with a smile,

[203] 笑顔でフォローすること!」
>no matter how much trouble she causes you!"


>"That's one of the fundamentals of society, you know?

[206] これは社会人としての務めよ?」
>Taking what you owe your teacher and paying it forward to your students."


>"N, Nagisa-senpai..."

>Nagisa-senpai... you sounded so cool just now!


>"Or something like that.

[212] 去年、あたしが
>Last year,

[213] 主任に言われたことなんだけどね」
>the chief said all that to me"


>"Last year I caused everyone a bunch of trouble.

[216] 今年、沢井に迷惑かけられても
>So I can't really complain now that you're

[217] 文句を言える立場じゃないのよね」
>here taking my place as the newbie"


>"But you know Sawai... you really should

[220] 考えて行動した方がいいかもね」
>think a bit more before you do stuff"



>"Ryuukaku-san went a little overboard but

[224] でも、患者さんにとっては
>you've got to remember that the nurse call

[225] ナースコールは命綱なの」
>is a life-line for our patients"


>"You can't just ignore a call,

[228] スルーしちゃうのは……あたしもどうかなって思う」
>when you're in charge of taking them... You can't do that Sawai"


>"But I had Ootai-san's vomit..."


>"If it were me, I'd leave that

[233] 誰も蹴ったりしないような端に置いて、
>in some corner of the hallway where no one would step on it,

[234] 先にコール対応するかな」
>and go take the call first"


>"Or call out for a caretaker

[237] 介護士さんを呼んで処理してもらう、とかね」
>to come take it for you, for example"



>I see...

>I could have just set it down somewhere,

>or called for someone to come help...

>I really froze up back there didn't I.

>I spent some time rethinking my actions.


>"And when you take a call,

[247] 相手の疾患を思い出しつつ、
>think of the patient who's calling,

[248] 何を持っていくかを考えるの」
>so you'll know right away what to bring to their room"


>"For example, that call from 302 earlier.

[251] 相手にどうしたのか訊くのは間違ってないよ。
>It's not wrong to ask the caller what they need.

[252] でも、もっと頭を使わなきゃ」
>But, you should also think for yourself as well"


>"There's only two patients in 302,

[255] 胃潰瘍の太田井さんか、尿路結石の五輪さんの
>Ootai-san with a stomach ulcer, and Itsuwa-san with urinary tract stones,

[256] どっちかがコールしてきたことになるでしょ」
>and they're the only ones who're going to be calling from that room"


>"Ootai-san's calls are usually:

[259] 胃が痛い、吐きそう、吐きました、
>'my stomach hurts', 'I'm going to throw up' or 'I threw up'

[260] という内容が多いよね」
>or things like that"


>"Itsuwa-san will probably be calling when they're passing a stone.

[263] 結石の痛みは強烈だから、
>Which is super painful,

[264] コールはできてもしゃべれないはず」
>so they're probably not going to be able to speak"


>"If you think like that,

[267] 唸ってるだけの相手のコールの対応も、
>when someone's just moaning into the phone,

[268] 自然にわかってくるんじゃない?」
>you should realize right away who it is, right?"


>"...I see..."

>When I get a call I should think about

>who the call is probably from...

>It was silly of me to think taking nurse calls

>was as simple as just picking up the phone.


>"There are no absolutely right answers in nursing.

[277] 看護だけでなくて、医療の世界は結果が全て」
>Actually that's true in the whole field of medicine. Only the results matter"


>"Even if you think you're doing something

[280] 患者さんのプラスにならなければ
>for the sake of the patient, if it doesn't

[281] それは無駄な労力になっちゃうの」
>actually end up benefiting them it was a waste"


>"That's why we've got to

[284] 頭を使って、仕事をしなきゃいけない」
>use our heads in this line of work"


>"...and that was all

[287] 山之内さんの受け売りなんだけどね」
>stuff Yamanouchi-san taught me"



>I had taken nursing a bit too lightly...

>Or maybe it's not just nursing,

>but working in general that is complicated...

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