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Full text: 264 lines
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>"Okay, first wash your hands"


>"Ah, okay"


>"Anytime you switch between care tasks

[007] こうして手を洗うようにね。
>make sure to wash your hands like this.

[008] 院内感染の原因にはなりたくないでしょ」
>You wouldn't want to be the cause of a hospital-acquired infection, right?

>A h, hospital-acquired infection...

>That's true... there are cases where the hands

>of us nurses carry dangerous germs around

>that can infect the patients whose immune systems are weakened.



[015] おむつ交換終わりましたけど、
>We've finished with diaper duty,

[016] 新人、点滴詰めさせてもいいですかー?」
>so can I have the newbie fill IVs~?"

>The charge nurse appeared from the break room.

>That's right...

>She had said she would need to teach Nagisa-senpai some stuff

>so that she could be my supervisor.


>"... I suppose.

[023] こっちはもう少し時間がかかりそうだから
>It looks like this will take a little longer,

[024] 指導お願い」
>so I'll leave her instruction to you"


>"Roger that~.

[027] ほら、新人!
>Come on, newbie!

[028] ボケッとしない!」
>No time for spacing out!"


>"O, okay!"

>Nagisa-senpai and the charge nurse...

>I wonder what the two of them are talking about?

>I'm a little curious, but

>I don't have the free time to worry about that!




>There are a ton of IV bottles

>gathered on top of the treatment table...

>Don't tell me we're going to use

>every single one of these on the patients?

>... well, actually I guess that may be the case.


>"This is the day shift's supply.

[045] 夜勤さんが朝方にこうして
>In the early morning the night-shifters get these ready

[046] 部屋番号順に並べてくれるのん」
>and arrange them by room number"


>"IV medicine is shot directly into the patient's veins,

[049] ミスしたら、患者さんの容態が
>so if you mess it up the patient's

[050] いっぺんで変わる危険物やからね?」
>condition can change drastically, understand?"

>H, hieee~


>"To make sure that kind of thing doesn't happen on our side,

[054] 看護師ふたりで処方箋と現物をチェックする。
>we nurses pair up to make sure the actual dose we give matches the prescription.

[055] 通称、ダブルチェック」
>We call that a double-check"


>"I, I see..."


>"One nurse reads off the prescription,

[060] もう片方が現物の薬剤名をチェック、
>and the other checks the names of the medicines that are laid out,

[061] そうしてから薬品を詰めてくねんよ」
>and then they can prepare the actual IVs"


>"At first the prescriptions are a little hard to read

[064] わかりにくかったり、
>and understand, so it can take some time,

[065] 少し時間かかるけど、その内、慣れるから安心し」
>but you'll get used to it before too long so don't worry"


>"But it's once you're used to it that ends up being the most dangerous, you know?"


>"A lot of the medicines have similar-looking names,

[070] うっかり間違えたら患者の命と、
>and if you get careless the life of the patient

[071] 看護師免許が危ない」
>and your nursing license could be on the line"

>... Hyo, hyoee~!


>"Burn this into your brain:

[075] 自分のちょっとしたミスが、自分と、
>Your one little mistake could change life forever

[076] 誰かの人生を左右することになるねんで」
>for you and someone else"


>"Also, make sure to write with a marker on the bottle

[079] ボトルに直接、マジックで書くこと」
>of any medicine that can easily cause reactions, right away"




>"Potassium, for example.

[084] これはゆっくり落とさんと、
>You have to apply it slowly,

[085] 下手したら心臓止まるで」
>because if you do it wrong you'll stop their heart"




>"Another one would be Beta2 Agonists.

[090] これもゆっくりいかんと、
>If you don't give them slowly,

[091] いきなりマーライオン」
>you'll get yourself a merlion"


>"A merlion?"


>"It means they'll be projectile vomiting like a fountain"



>That mental image hit me hard!


>"Well, if vomit's the worst you get it's fine,

[101] 痙攣おこしたり心臓おかしなったり
>but if it leads to convulsions or heart problems

[102] ちょっと大変」
>you've got yourself a little emergency"


>"You call that sort of thing 'little'!?"


>"You're right, malpractice is never

[107] ちょっとどころじゃない大変なことなんよ」
>something you should call 'little'"



>S, scary...

>Ever since I was young I always wanted

>to be a nurse when I grew up, but

>was nursing really this scary of a job?


>"Well, preventing malpractice is the whole reason

[116] ダブルチェックするねんけどね」
>that we use the double-check system"


>"We also check so we can point out

[119] わたしらの責任じゃないけど、
>if the doctor has written the prescription wrong,

[120] そのミスを指摘できるように更にチェック!」
>even though that's not actually our responsibility!"




>gave me a pat on the shoulder.


>"You don't need to look that freaked out.

[127] 気ぃさえ抜かへんかったら
>As long as you take care

[128] そうそうミスは起こさんから」
>you won't make any big mistakes"

>But, if you were to reverse that,

>is she saying if I'm careless I'll instantly rack up the mistakes...?


>"So I need to remember all the medicines

[133] 全部覚えなきゃいけないんですよねっ!?」
>that can cause reactions like that!?"

>Yamanouchi-san gave me a flabbergasted look,

>then broke out into a grin.


>"Medicines that require careful IV dosage will have that

[138] 処方箋に書いてあるから大丈夫」
>noted on their prescription, so you don't need to remember them all"


>"Besides, the medicines we use are pretty much set

[141] その内に覚えるて」
>so you'll remember them all before too long"


>"... Do... you really think so...?"


>"Of course.

[146] そんなもんなんですー。
>That's the way things are~.

[147] てことで、はいこれ」
>And with that, here"

>Yamanouchi-san handed me a sheaf of papers.

>These are... prescriptions for the IVs?


>"Read off the room number, patient name,

[152] 薬剤名と量を順に読み上げて。
>name of the medicine and amount, please.

[153] あ、患者氏名はフルネームでね」
>Ahh, and for the patient's name make sure to give their full name"


>"O, okay... umm"

>I began to read off the items,

>as she had instructed me to.


>"301, Amino Hana-san.

[160] ご……5%……TZ……?
>F... 5%... TZ...?

[161] えっと……いち……ブイ?」
>Um... One... V?"


>"5 percent zucker, that's 'sugar' in German.

[164] ブドウ糖液は『TZ』って書いてツッカって読む。
>Liquid glucose from grapes is written as 'TZ' and you read it 'zucker'.

[165] この場合は、5%ツッカ、1バイアル」
>In this case it's 1 vial of 5% zucker"


>"O, okay..."


>"By the way, in the notations a 'V' means 'vial',

[170] Aはアンプルの略な」
>and 'A' means 'ampoule'"


>"Anything else?"


>"Um... VB12... 1A?

[175] と、アスコルビン酸、1A」
>And ascorbic acid, 1A"


>"So one ampoule of vitamin B12 and C.

[178] こういう書き方も、ドクターの好き好きやからね。
>Each doctor has their own gimmicks for writing these things.

[179] ま、そのうち慣れる」
>Well, you'll get used to it"


>"O, okay"

>I, I've gotta do my best...


>"Amino Hana-san,

[185] 5プロツッカにB12とC、っと。
>5% zucker, vitamin B and C.

[186] はい、おっけ〜」
>Okay, check~"

>The medicine names were all written in katakana

>so it was hard to read them, but

>somehow we finished the double-check.

>... I'm a little tired.

>But, there's no time for me to be tired.


>"Okay, good work,

[194] 十時の点滴はチェック終了〜」
>with that the 10 o'clock IV check is complete~"

>... huh?

>The '10 o'clock IV'?


>"The pincushion people and the antibiotics 

[199] 十時と十七時に行くから、
>go out at 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM,

[200] 朝はおむつ交換終わったらすぐやるん」
>so as soon as we're done with morning diaper duty we get those done"


>"After that, there are folks who need IVs every 6 hours from midnight,

[203] 八時間ごととか、十二時間ごとだから
>or every 8 hours, or every 12 hours, so

[204] 十時のチェックには入らない」
>they don't come up in the 10 o'clock check"


>"... so that's how it works..."


>"Alright~, next we do the filling"




>"You suck the contents from the vial or ampoule,

[213] ボトルに詰めまーす。
>and put it into these bottles.

[214] ほれ、チャッチャとやる!」
>Here, hurry up and do it!"


>"We really should change the syringe

[217] 注射器を替える必要があるけど、
>between each use, but if you're using it

[218] 同じ薬剤吸う時は替えんでもいいよ」
>to draw out the same medicine, you don't need to switch each time"


>"Well, that's just our hospital though.

[221] 他の病院ではやったらアカンよ?」
>So don't do it anywhere else, okay?"


>"Ah, that's right!

[224] アンプルカットの際に、
>When you cut open the ampoule,

[225] ガラスで指切らんよう要注意ね!」
>be careful not to cut your finger on the glass!"


>"A, alright..."

>There were about 20 IV bottles.

>The vials and ampoules

>we had checked were arranged

>in front of each bottle.

>I gingerly cut open

>one of the ampoules.

>Then, with a syringe I drew out the contents,

>and transferred them to a bottle.

>...this actually takes quite a delicate touch...

>Will I really get used to doing this?


>"Okay, next we get

[240] 輸液ルートの準備な」
>the IV lines ready"


>"First, you poke the needle on the line into the bottle,

[243] 液だめに半分ほど薬液を入れる」
>then let about half the medicine gather in the reservoir" 


>"Then use the clamp... this tool for regulating the IV flow,

[246] 滴下させながら、ルート内を
>and while you let the the IV drip, the line

[247] 薬液で満たす」
>will fill with medicine"


>"Once the medicine has filled the line,

[250] ボトルにまきつけてワゴンに置く。
>turn the bottle over and put it on the cart.

[251] これで準備終了」
>With that the preparations are complete"



>"... that said, it's hard to understand if I just say it

[255] これはやってみるしかないね」
>so you really have to try it yourself to get it"


>"Ahh, and if any air gets in the line

[258] 点滴の落ちが悪なるから注意な!」
>it'll mess with how the medicine flows, so be careful!"



>I'm already super overloaded by now, Yamanouchi-san.

>Am I really capable

>of becoming a real nurse like this...?

>My worries know no bounds...

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