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Full text: 243 lines
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>The ground floor lobby.

>It was pretty convenient having a vending machine

>inside our building, even if it was a bit of a pain

>going from floor to floor each time you needed to use it.

>And the convenience store was a little far.


>"Green tea, black tea, soda water..."

>...are all fine, but...



>Why on Earth do they have this many varieties

>of just the sports drinks?

>What were they thinking... normally one or two brands

>per vending machine would be just fine.

>There were sports drinks from every brand,

>all lined up there together...

>What should I do...

>Which one would Nagisa-senpai like?


>"If you aren't gonna buy anythin',

[021] ソコ、のいてくれへん?
>could ya step aside?

[022] 邪魔」
>You're in the way."


>"Yeees, sorry!

[025] ……じゃなかった、すみません!」
>...I mean, I'm sorry!"



>In a fluster, I let the person behind me go first.



>This person, have I seen her

>somewhere before...?



>But I definitely didn't remember having met her.

>She wasn't wearing any make-up, her hair was unkempt,

>her complexion and expression gave off a bad vibe,

>her slightly askew glasses were covered with fingerprints,

>and on top of that, she was wearing a dirty-looking old jersey...

>...Wait, the jersey she's wearing

>looks like the athletic jersey

>for some middle or high school, doesn't it?!

>To think there would be someone who, despite being an adult,

>would wear their old school jersey...!!

>As I stared at her,

>the woman opened up the nutrient tonic drink

>she had bought.

>Then, with one hand at her waist,

>she drained the whole thing in one go...



[052] よっしゃ、これであと三時間は戦える!」
>Alright, with that, I can keep fighting for another three hours!"



>"Hey, what's up with ya.

[056] メンチ切っとんか?」
>Why ya glarin' at me?"


>"I-I-I-I'm not!"

>She fixed me with a heavy stare

>from behind her thick glasses,

>and I nervously shifted my gaze away.




>Did she say 'heh' right now?

>And just recently,

>didn't I hear someone speaking with a Kansai accent...?

>M-Must be my imagination.

>Before this person decides

>to pick a fight with me or something,

>it would be best to just walk away.


>"Th-That was scary..."

>I collapsed to a sitting position.

>Just who was that person?

>She was certainly the kind of person who made an impact on you

>in many senses of the phrase.

>But since she's in this complex,

>wouldn't that mean she's part of the hospital staff...?

>I don't know if she was a desk worker or a caregiver, but

>what would I do if I saw her in the hospital...

>There's no way... she couldn't be a nurse, could she?

>But I could have sworn I had met her somewhere...



[086] なぎさ先輩にドリンク買ってかなきゃ!」
>I have to buy Nagisa-senpai her drink!"

>I pulled myself together and went back to the vending machine.

>Umm... which one should I pick.

>I guess the most popular brand would probably be best!


>"Ta-da, Aquasweat!     (TN: Half the sports drinks in Japan have 'aqua' somewhere, and 'Pocari Sweat' is another big brand. Put them both together and... The. More. You. Know~ -Clay)

[092] たしか高校の頃、なぎさ先輩、
>If I remember correctly, Nagisa-senpai

[093] 好んで飲んでたよね!」
>always loved to drink this in high school!"

>As I thought about how Nagisa-senpai would praise me for my choice,

>I got excited

>and returned to my dorm with a skip in my step.




[100] ドリンクなんかいらない〜、
>I don't need a drink~,

[101] 部屋に戻りたくないぃ〜〜!」
>I don't wanna go back to my room~!"


>"Oh good grief, Nagisa-senpai.

[104] なに子どもみたいなこと言ってるんですか!」
>How can you say such childish things!"


>"I don't wanna and that's final~!

[107] かおりたんと一緒のベッドで寝るー!」
>I want to sleep with Kaori-tan on her bed~!"


>"There's no way we'll get a good night's rest like that!

[110] 明日も仕事があるんですよ?」
>We have work tomorrow, remember?"


>"No no no~!"

>...Uuu, what should I do.

>She's like a kid throwing a tantrum.


>For... some reason my heart's beating louder...

>Huh... my hand's are shaking?

>What's wrong with me?

>It's not like I'm nervous or anything...


>"...So you're absolutely against it?"

>Nagisa-senpai looked up at me with upturned eyes.

>Uu, so cute.

>I know it's somewhat strange saying someone older than me is cute, but

>she is so cute...

>But right now, I need to harden my heart...!    (Idiom, lit: make my heart an ogre -Clay)

>But what should I say?



>I know, this is a perfect time

>to use my usual charm...

>I put both hands to my heart and take a deep breath.



>My head gently begins to clear...

>With my clear head now,

>I'll say this one thing to Nagisa-senpai~!


>"Of course you can't do that.

[140] 明日の仕事に支障が出ます、
>It'll cause problems for us at work tomorrow,

[141] 部屋に帰ってください」
>so please go back to your own room"




>Why did my words come out so cold...?


>"Kaori-chan went and bought you

[148] アクスエ買ってきてあげたんだから、
>Aquasweat just like you wanted,

[149] あなたは部屋に帰るべきです」
>so now you need to go back to your room."

>Huh, what on Earth am I saying?

>Wait a second.

>Just hold on a secondーー!!

>Forget what I just said, forget what I said!!



[156] その……っ、わたし!!」
>um... I was just...!!"




>Did she just let out a sigh?!



>Nagisa-senpai pouted

>with a look of dissatisfaction on her face

>and stood up.

>I think I may have

>upset her...!

>Actually, why did I

>say those kinds of things to her?!


>"Na... Nagisa-senpai...

[172] その……」


>"...I understand.

[175] あたしも、沢井も、明日は仕事だもんね。
>You and I both have work tomorrow, after all.

[176] 遅刻なんかできないもんね……」
>And we can't be late..."

>Ahh, what should I do.

>She sounds depressed!


>"Nagisa-senpai... I..."


>"It's fine, I know I took it too far.

[183] 仕事とプライベートは分けて考えるのが
>Knowing to separate your private life from your work

[184] 社会人の基本だもんね」
>is the basis of being a professional adult."

>With unsteady steps,

>she made her way to the door.

>I-I have to say something...!


>"We're working together now,

[190] いつでも会えますよ。ね?」
>so we can see each other anytime we want, right?"


>"I... guess.

[193] いつでも会えるわよね」
>We can meet up whenever, yeah."


>"Besides, if you want to do a sleepover,

[196] 休日の前の方が
>if we wait 'til the day before our day off,

[197] ゆっくり寝坊できるし……」
>we can both sleep in a little more..."


>"Oh good grief, Sawai."



>I put my hands to my stinging forehead

>and looked at her.


>"Don't make that face.

[206] 悪ノリが過ぎたって言ってるでしょ」
>I told you I know I went too far."


>"And besides... I can see you 

[209] いつでも会えるでしょう?」
>anytime I want to, right?"


>"Eh... Ah..."


>"Don't tell me

[214] 会いたくなんかならない、とか言わないわよね?」
>that you're not going to want to see me, right?"


>"There's no way I'd say that!!"

>Nagisa-senpai snickered.

>Was she making fun of me again...?


>"Nnn~, now that I've heard some honest words from Sawai's mouth,

[221] 今日はもう帰るわね〜」
>I guess I'll go home for today~."


>"And with that said,

[224] おやすみのキスは?」
>where's my goodnight kiss?"




>"Oh come on, I was just joking.

[229] 沢井ったら、またそんな顔して。
>Don't go making that face again, Sawai.

[230] じゃ、おやすみなさーい」
>Anyway, good ni~ght."

>With a good-natured smile,

>and even going so far as to blow me a kiss,

>Nagisa-senpai opened the door.

>I guess she really was just teasing me, right?


>"Uh... right, good night"



[239] また明日ね」
>See you tomorrow."


>"Yes, see you tomorrow."

>After she left, I found myself staring

>at the door that had closed behind her.

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