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Full text: 536 lines
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>"Since this is your first day,

[003] 病棟の案内をしようかと思うんだけど……」
> I thought I'd show you around the department first, but..."


>"Will that be neccessary?"

>Show me around the department...?


>For first playthrough{?}, "It is" (receive information) is automatically selected.


>It isn't.

>It is.
"It isn't" continues here


>"No... that's alright."


>"I see. It's not necessary.

[016] じゃ、山之内さんたちと合流して、
> Then, please meet up with Yamanouchi-san and the others

[017] おむつ交換に入ってちょうだい」
> and help them change diapers." (not sure about this sentence)

>I see, Nagisa-senpai and the rest

>left to do diaper changes....


>"Ask Yamanouchi-san or Fujisawa-san

[022] 山之内さんか藤沢さんに聞きなさい」
> for details on procedure and so forth."


>"Yes, got it."


>"When you're done, come back to the office.

[027] 改めて事務長に挨拶に行くわよ」
> Again, go introduce yourself to the manager."

>Ah, that's right.

>I never stopped by the manager's room......


>"I'm sorry."


>"You don't need to apologize.

[034] 出勤前に事務長室に寄るよう伝えなかった
> I didn't let you know you were supposed to go there first,

[035] わたしのミスだから」
> so it's my fault."

>The Chief suddenly smiled.

>Ah, that's unexpected......

>She has a gentle smile.


>"Now, get going.

[041] 時間がもったいないわ」
> You're wasting time."



"It is" continues here

>"Ah, yes, please do."



[048] 病院の構造は受付さんから聞いたのよね?」
> The receptionist already told you about the hospital's layout?"


>"Yes. The first floor is outpatient

[051] 二階から上が病棟なんですよね」
> and from the second floor up are the other departments."


>"Also, there's a locker room 

[054] 別棟として更衣室が建っているから、
> in a separate building nearby, 

[055] 明日からはそこで白衣に着替えてください」
> so please change into your uniform there starting tomorrow."

>That's right, today,

>I just showed up wearing it...


>"Y-Yes... I'm sorry about that."

>When I bowed to her,

>the Chief shook her head.


>"It's alright, you don't need to apologize.

[064] 今日のことは、あなたにちゃんと伝達しなかった
> I didn't tell you about today,

[065] わたしのミスだから」
> so it's my fault." 


>"I'm sorry for causing you any embarrassment.

[068] 悪かったと思っているわ」
> I feel bad about it."


>"N-Not at all!!"

>If you bow to me,

>I'll feel worse~!!


>"I-I'm fine!

[075] 説明の続きを……!」
> Please continue...!"

>The Chief's eyes widen a little,

>and she suddenly smiles.


>"We're connected to

[080] 一階の外来と検査室。
> the first floor's outpatient and examination rooms.

[081] 採血や尿のデータはここに取りに行くの」
> Blood and urine data are brought here."


>"Also, there's the x-ray room in the basement.

[084] MRIやCTも地下。
> MRI and CT are there too.

[085] フィルムはレントゲン室に保管されてるわ」
> Film is stored in the x-ray room."


>"Also, we often go to

[088] わたしたちがよく行くのは」
> the CSSD next to the operating room{s} on the second floor."


>Isn't the second floor the surgical department...?

>Also, what did she say just now?




>"Central Sterile Supply Department, CSSD for short.

[096] 滅菌物はここで滅菌しているから、
> Sterile items are disinfected there,

[097] 足りなくなったら取りに行ってね」
> so when they run low, pick them up there."

>I don't really understand,

>but I nod.






>Did she just sigh?


>"Whenever there's something you don't understand,

[108] その都度、質問しなさい」
> feel free to ask."


>How did she know!?


>"...You're an easy-to-read girl."

>Uuh, I got laughed at again.


>"You learned the concepts of sanitary and unsanitary in school, right?

[116] 内科でも、外科ほどではないけれど、
> Even in internal medicine, sterilization is frequently required,

[117] 消毒が必要になることも多いわ」
> though not to the extent of the surgical department."


>"For example, injuries from falls, or bedsores.

[120] 褥瘡を作るなんて、看護師の恥だけどね。
> Though a nurse should be embarrassed if one of her patients develops bedsores.

[121] 無菌鑷子も無菌ガーゼもその時に使うのよ」
> In times like that, we use sterilized forceps and gauze."

>By the way, forceps

>are like large tweezers.

>My teachers at school were able to

>handle them so freely and finely as if

>they were an extension of their fingertips.


>"Then, next is this department.

[129] 内科病棟は301から312まで
> The department of internal medicine includes

[130] 十部屋あるの」
> ten rooms from 301 to 312."


>"Eh, ten rooms?"

>From 1 to 12, and it's ten rooms?


>"With hospital room numbers,

[136] 4と9は欠番にするのが基本なの。
> 4 and 9 are left out.

[137] 縁起が悪いからでしょうね」
> Since they're supposed to be bad luck."

>I see...

>In other words,

>there's no room 304 or 309.


>"I'll show you around the patient rooms.

[143] ついてらっしゃい」
> Follow me."


>"Next to the office is room 301, or, the critical room. (please check translation for "critical room")

[146] 心電図モニターがついてたり、
> It's a room for those who have an ECG monitor attached,

[147] 末期が近くて、DNRが出てない人の部屋よ」
> and those who are close to death but haven't signed a DNR."




>"Those who we confirmed have refused life-support.

[152] 末期なのにDNRが取れてない人は
> Resuscitation measures are required for those who are

[153] 蘇生処置が必要だから、ここに入れるの」
> close to death and without a DNR, so they're brought here."

>W-What a raw conversation...


>"In addition to being close to the office,

[157] カーテン越しに見えるようになってるから
> isn't it reassuring that

[158] 安心でしょ?」
> you can see it past the curtains?"



>...I'm not very reassured...

>What do I do if a patient's condition

>changes when I'm the only one around...?




>"Don't worry,

[168] 新人を重症部屋の担当に
> it's not like the newbie is going

[169] つけるわけがないでしょう?」
> to be assigned to the critical room, right?"  (please check translation for "critical room")


>"Ah, I see."

>That's good to hear.

>I wonder 

>if the Chief

>noticed that I was afraid?

>She might be a kind person...


>"On this side of the hall, across from the elevator,

[179] 310から312の三部屋が個室」
> are the three private rooms, from 310 to 312."


>"There's a rate difference between private rooms and shared rooms,

[182] 一日、一万から三万の料金が加算されるから、
> with an increase from ten thousand to thirty thousand for one day,

[183] 入院の時には注意してね」
> so you really have to be careful during admissions."




>"It can be tough in many ways dealing with people who will spend 

[188] いろいろ大変なの」
> money on everything except medical expenses."




>"Being a nurse demands not just skill and knowledge,

[193] 完璧な接遇を求めてくるの。
> but flawless handling of patients.

[194] あなたには……まだ無理ね」
> For you... that's still impossible."

>In short, your speech, manner,

>and demeanor are all checked down to the

>smallest detail?


>"Particularly, the patient in 310

[200] いろいろと難しい人だから、
> is difficult in various ways,

[201] あなたは対応しなくてもいいわ」
> so you won't have to deal with her."

>Ah, I see.


>"Also, if a patient is admitted to a

[205] 差額ベッド料のある部屋に入院させると、
> room with a higher fee without explanation,

[206] 退院時に揉める元なので気をつけて」
> they'll dispute it when they're discharged, so be careful."


>Scary... Will I be alright?


>"Woah, out of the way~!"





>W-What was that just now...

>That was Yamanouchi-san, right?


>"...Are you alright?"


>"Ah, yes.

[221] ぶつかりはしませんでした」
> We didn't collide."



>The Chief stares at me.

>Did I make a weird face?

>Or, did I say something weird?


>"Across the hallway are rooms 302 to 308.

[229] 302と307、308は二人部屋。
> 302, 307, and 308 are double rooms.

[230] 303から306は六人の大部屋」
> 303 to 306 can hold up to six."

>As if it was nothing,

>the Chief began explaining.

>...Was it just my imagination?


>"There's a restroom between 303 and 305.

[236] 職員トイレは地下と二階にあるけれど、
> There are staff restrooms in the basement and on the second floor, 

[237] 面倒なら、ここのトイレを使ってもいいわ」
> but if you need to, you can use this one."


>"Yes, got it."



>The Chief looked at me again.

>What is it?


>"There's an emergency exit at each end of the hall.

[246] その内、入院患者さんのお迎えをお願いするから
> Eventually, you'll be asked to receive in-patients,

[247] 忘れずに説明するのよ?」
> so don't forget to explain this to them, okay?"




>"The emergency exits are normally locked,

[252] 開けるとセキュリティが反応するから、
> and security will respond if they are opened,

[253] 緊急時以外は触らないようにね」
> so don't touch them unless it's an emergency."


>"Got it."



>Again... She's staring at me again...

>Her gaze...

>makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.


>"You're guileless, aren't you?"



>Ah, my voice cracked.

>The Chief giggles.


>"With that kind of stupid honesty,

[269] きっと山之内さんの格好のエサね」
> I'm sure you'll fall prey to Yamanouchi-san."

>Stupid honesty...?

>Fall prey...?


>"...It really is

[274] 考えてることがわかりやすいのね。
> easy to read what you're thinking.

[275] 友達は多いの?」
> Do you have a lot of friends?"

>She laughed at me...!

>Or, is she praising me?



[280] まぁ、それなりに……」
> Well, I suppose so..."


>"You suppose so.

[283] 藤沢さんとも仲が良かったみたいだし、
> You seem to get along well with Fujisawa-san.

[284] 友達が多いことはいいことよ」
> It's good to have a lot of friends."


>"You can discuss with a friend things that are

[287] 友達に相談できるものね。
> hard to discuss with a senpai or a superior.

[288] 藤沢さんがいてくれて良かったわね」
> It's good that Fujisawa-san is here."


>"Um... Yes."

>For some reason...

>The Chief's words felt like those of a family member.

>Or rather than family,

>an older sister, that kind of feeling?


>"A nice, honest reply.

[297] 新人らしくていいわ」
> Nice and appropriate for a rookie." 


>"Last, is in the office."


>"When filling an IV or preparing medication

[302] この処置スペースでやるのよ」
> do it in this treatment space." (please check translation for "treatment space")


>"The first-aid cart is here too.

[305] 急変時には、救急カートをベッドサイドに
> In an emergency, you can bring the first-aid cart

[306] 持っていって処置するの」
> to the patient's bedside and give them treatment."


>"Whenever any drugs from it are used,

[309] その都度、補充するのよ。
> replenish them after that.

[310] ……救急カートは滅多に使わないけどね」
> ...The first-aid cart is rarely used though."




>"We take breaks and meals here.

[315] 夜勤での仮眠も、ここ。
> When you're on the night shift you can take naps here too.

[316] ソファにお布団敷いて交代で寝るのよ」
> You can lay a futon out on the sofa and take turns sleeping."


>"You can sleep on a night shift?"


>"The two-shift night shift totals 17 hours,

[321] 仮眠が二時間取れるよう決められているの。
> so two-hour naps are scheduled.

[322] ……もっとも忙しい時は寝る暇はないけれど」
> ...When it's very busy there's no time to rest though."


>"Some girls take off their makeup as soon as night shift starts,

[325] 日勤さんが来る前に化粧をする子もいるわね」
> and put it back on right before the day shift arrives."



>The Chief looked at me.

>She reached out her hand,

>and raised my chin.



>The Chief observed my face.


>"Use a little makeup."

>H-Her face is close......


>"Innocence is good,

[339] 大人の女にとっては化粧も身だしなみの内よ?」
> but for an adult woman shouldn't makeup be part of your personal appearance?"

>My face is hot... I feel awkward......


>"Ye, Yess..."

>The chief's fingers left my face.

>Ah, that made my heart race.

>Even so, an adult woman, huh...

>Somehow, it doesn't hit home.


>"Ah, Chief!

[349] 新人相手にやーらしいなぁ〜!」
> You're being so naughty with the newbie~!"




>"Lifting her chin with your finger,

[354] どこの王子様キャラ? って感じ?」
> what is this prince character? Something like that?"


>"...Yamanouch-san, you..."


>"Oh nooo,

[359] 新人が主任さんに襲われちゃう〜」
> the newbie is being assaulted by the Chief~"






>"So why were you

[366] あれ、どういうこと?」
> running down the hall earlier?"


>"Ahh, that. 

[369] 301の藤本さんが水様便大洪水でね、
> Fujimoto-san from 301 had a huge flood of watery stool,

[370] おむつとシーツ取りに行ったんです」
> and I had to go get diapers and sheets."


>"I thought it would drip onto the floor!"


>"T-That would be...!"


>"If it was an emergency, then it can't be helped."



>"While Fujisawa-san supported her body

[380] もう涙目でしたもん。
> she had tears in her eyes.

[381] 早く戻ってあげないと、ってね〜」
> 'Hurry back,' she said~"



>T-That story is kind of amazing......


>"Anyway, Yamanouchi

[387] 点滴業務に戻ります〜」
> returns to IV duty~" (please check translation of "IV duty")


>"Please do."




>"In the past nurses would switch to

[394] 化粧を落としたら夜勤モードに
> night-shift mode by taking off their nurse caps

[395] なってたものだけど……」
> and makeup, but..."

>Wah, she's going back to the conversation as if Yamanouchi-san

>hadn't come in!

>The Chief

>is an interesting person, isn't she?


>"Now, the only exchange item between (please check translation of "exchange item")

[402] 切り替えアイテムが
> day shift mode and night shift mode (

[403] 化粧くらいしかなくなってしまったのよね」
> is makeup."


>"'Exchange item' eh..." (please check translation of "exchange item")

>I put my hand on my head.

>At the capping ceremony in nursing school

>we had nurse caps put on for show,

>but in reality we don't wear caps.

>Though I did wonder if

>I'd get a cap when I became a nurse......


>"Now that you mention it, I thought that

[414] みなさん昔はかぶってたと思うんですけど、
> everyone used to wear nurse caps,

[415] 今はもうかぶらないんですか?」
> but now they don't anymore?"

>For an actual nurse

>it might be an exchange item between day-shift mode and night-shift mode, (please check translation of "exchange item")

>but as a nursing student it was an item to aspire to.


>"Since nurse's hats can become a source of in-hospital infection,

[421] 廃止してる病院が多いわね。
> many hospitals have abolished them.

[422] ウチもそうよ」
> We're one of them."


>"In reality, IV lines get caught in them, 

[425] 暴れる患者さんを押さえる際に邪魔になったり、
> and they get in the way while restraining violent patients,

[426] 現場ではキャップ不要論もあがっていたしね」
> so when you're on the job there's no real reason for them."


>"But, when they're abolished,

[429] 抜け落ちた髪の毛や、剥がれ落ちた頭皮で
> instead you have stories about stray hairs or

[430] 逆に細菌の温床になっているという話もあるわ」
> peeling scalps becoming hotbeds for bacteria."


>"They have their pros and cons,

[433] わたしは好きだったけど」
> but I like them."


>"...I was kind of looking forward

[436] 少し期待してました……」
> to wearing one..."


>"Nowadays, you only see them in rural hospitals,

[439] AVくらいでしか
> old dramas,

[440] 見かけなくなってしまったものね……」
> and porn..."




>Coming from the diligent Chief,

>that kind of word is...!!




>"You really are an easy-to-read girl."


>She laughed at me again!


>"Next, I'll explain some of the terms from before.

[454] 立ち話もなんだから、
> Since we're standing and talking,

[455] まずは詰所に戻りましょう」
> let's head back to the office first."


>"Like 'litter,' and 'empty'?"




>"Never ever, use words like 'weewee'

[462] 短小なんて言っちゃダメよ?」
> with male patients, okay?"


>"I-I wouldn't!"


>"First of all, in the lessons about urinary organs in school,

[467] ドクターがNGワードだって言ってましたもん!
> even the doctor said dirty words!

[468] わたし、ノートに取ってたから覚えてます!」
> And I wrote them in my notes and memorized them!"


>"...You really are an interesting girl.

[471] 冗談よ」
> I was kidding."

>Eh, kidding!?

>No way!


>"Let's move on.

[476] 担送とか護送というのは救護区分よ」
> Litter and escort are aid classifications."


>"Aid classifications..."


>"'Litter' are those who can't move by themselves.

[481] ストレッチャーで移動させないといけない人ね。
> They can't be moved without a stretcher.

[482] 昔は担架で移送していたから言葉に名残があるの」
> They used to be moved with litters, so the word has remained."


>"'Assisted' are those who can move but not without assistance.

[485] 車椅子移動の患者さんが、これに当たるわ」
> This applies to patients that use wheelchairs."


>"'Ambulatory' are those who can move on their own.

[488] 安静度フリーっていう意味もあるわね」
> 'Bed rest level: free' is another meaning."


>"In worst-case situations,

[491] この救護区分でわたしたちは動くの」
> We act by these aid classifications."


>"If there is a fire or similar emergency,

[494] 独歩の患者さんに勝手に逃げてもらって、
> ambulatory patients will be directed by simultaneous broadcasts to leave,

[495] 護送の患者さんを車椅子に乗せる」
> while assisted patients are put into wheel chairs."


>"The assisted patients in wheelchairs

[498] 勝手に逃げてもらってから、担送患者さんを
> can then escape on their own, while litter patients

[499] ストレッチャーでピストン輸送」
> are shuttled by stretcher."


>"I see......"

>That's right, even in a hospital,

>there's the possibility of disaster.

>It's something prepared for those times......


>"'Empty' are unoccupied beds.

[507] で、総数を合わせて、入院患者数に変化がないことを
> So, they tally up the totals and let the next shift know

[508] 次の勤務帯の人に申し送るのよ」
> that there has been no change in the number of patients」


>"So that's how it is..."

>I'm not sure I get it.


>"You'll gradually get used to it,

[514] 初日で全部覚えなくてもいいわよ」
> so you don't have to remember everything on your first day."


>"Ah, alright..."

>How strange......

>The Chief, it felt like

>she can see just what I'm thinking.

>Is it because I'm easy to read?


>"Is there anything else

[523] わからないこととか疑問とかある?」
> you don't understand or have questions about?"


>"There isn't..."


>"I see.

[528] もしわからないことがあったら、
> If you don't understand something,

[529] 手近な誰かを捕まえて聞きなさい」
> grab someone nearby and ask them."




>"Oh my, it's already this late.

[534] 事務長室に行くわよ、ついてらっしゃい」
> We're heading to the manager's room, follow me."


>"Ah, yes!"

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