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Full text: 456 lines
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>I thought I'd figure it out if I went inside,

>but I wasn't all right at all.

>First, I caught sight of the reception

>when I went inside,

>but the receptionists

>looked at me suspiciously.

>Their gazes really hurt, but...!

>I wonder why they're looking at me like that.

>...Uuh, they're looking at me 

>and whispering something...?

>When I listened closely,

>I could make out the receptionists' voices.

>""I've never seen her before, who is that?""

>""What's someone who's not even on our staff doing 

[015] うちの白衣着てウロウロしてるのかしらね』
> loitering around in our uniform?""



>I get it!

>They don't know that 

>I'm a new nurse.

>That's why they were looking at me strangely!

>Alright, no other choice!



[025] 今日からここの看護師として働く
> Starting today, I'll be working here as a nurse.

[026] 沢井ですけど……」
> My name is Sawai..."

>When I asked where the internal medicine department was,

>they again looked at me reeeally strangely.

>Uuh... I've got a bad feeling...

>From inside, someone with a nametag reading 'office supervisor'

>came out sluggishly.

>She smiled gently,

>and explained several things to me

>that I didn't know about.

>It seemed that in this hospital, the first floor is outpatient,

>the second floor is operating rooms and the surgical department, the third floor is internal medicine,

>and the recovery ward is in a separate building.

>All right,

>the internal medicine department that I'll be working at is on the third floor!


>"Thank you very much

[042] ありがとうございます!」
> for your help!"

>I quickly bowed

>and ran up the staircase to the third floor.

>I can't be late on my first day!




>Is it alright to just barge into the office?

>I tried stepping inside,

>but I kept hesitating.

>...Is it alright to go in?

>I might not be officially on staff yet,

>and I even got weird looks at the reception desk.

>So if I suddenly enter, 

>they probably will make a face like, "Who is that?" again.

>Ahh, in times like this,

>I wish Nagisa-senpai would show up...


>"Might you be Sawai Kaori-san?"



>Someone called my name behind me.

>When I turned, flustered,

>a woman in a white gown stood there.


>"My, my.

[068] 事務長室には寄らなかったのね?」
> You didn't stop by the manager's room?"



>That's right!

>"Newcomers should head to the manager's room, 

[073] 更衣室のロッカーの鍵を渡されて、そこで着替えて
> get a key to a locker in the locker room, change their clothes there,

[074] 配属先に行く……って聞いてない?」
> and then go to where they're assigned... Didn't they tell you?"

>When I met Nagisa-senpai earlier,

>she told me something about going to the manager's room!

>The woman in front of me giggles.

>...What should I do...?


>"Ootsuka-san is someone who can get things done, but sometimes,

[081] 抜けていることがあるのよねぇ……。あの子に
> she leaves things out... Although since I entrust

[082] 全部任せてるわたしが言うことじゃないけど」
> everything to her, I shouldn't say that."


>Sometimes leaves things out?



>"Um... I was told I was assigned 

[088] 内科病棟に配属されるって聞いたんですけど……。
> to the internal medicine department, but...

[089] ここで合っていますか?」
> Did I get to the right place?"


>"My, pardon me.

[092] ここで合っていますよ」
> You're in the right place."

>With a pleasant smile,

>she led me through the door.

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"I'm the head nurse of internal medicine, Tokiwa.

[097] ようこそ、内科病棟へ」
> Welcome to the internal medicine department."

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"Good morning."


>"Good mooorning."

>The gazes of the nurses inside

>focused on me all at once.



>I felt my pulse beat in my ears.

>What do I do, what do I do?

>No, I'm alright.

>These are the people I'll be working with from now on.

>I'm alright, I'll be alright.

>No one's going to hurt me.

>I'm alright...

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"Is everyone here?"

>See, I'm alright.

>My heart isn't racing anymore.

>I was just startled.


>"The chief isn't here yet."

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"My, my.  We must have missed each other.

[122] この子、事務長室に行ってないみたいだから」
> Since she didn't go to the manager's room."


>"Head nurse!

[125] それは行き違いとは言いません!」
> That isn't 'missing each other' at all!"

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"Your retorts are as stern as ever, Yamanouchi-san.

[128] じゃあ、大塚さんは後で来るとして、
> Well, since Ootsuka-san will come later,

[129] 今いる人たちを紹介するわね」
> everyone who's here now can introduce themselves."


>"Head nurse, how mean!

[132] わたし、事務長室に電話入れときますね」
> I'll phone the manager's room now."

>The other nurses giggled.

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"That retort was stern,

[136] 気遣いの達人なのが山之内やすこさん」
> but Yamanouchi Yasuko-san is the master of consideration."

>Yamanouchi-san turns to me,

>and waves her hand as she makes the call.


>"Nice to meet you!

[141] あ、事務長室ですか、内科・山之内です。
> Ah, manager's room?  This is Yamanouchi from internal medicine.

[142] うちの主任に戻ってくるよう言うてくれます?」
> Would you ask our chief to return?"

>Huh, a Kansai accent...?

>Did she come from Kansai?

>She seems to be a pretty good-humored person,

>so I'm little relieved.

>If the people I worked with were scary,

>it would lower my spirits.

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"The two sitting over there were just off last night's shift.

[151] 高田さんと不二さんね」
> Takada-san and Fuji-san."

>The ones from the night shift bowed their heads,

>and I hurriedly bowed back.

>Um... Which one is Takada-san

>and which one is Fuji-san?

>I'll have to ask later without being rude.

>Since the introduction included both of them,

>I'm not sure who is whom.


>"I-I'm Sawai Kaori, I'm new here.

[161] よろちくお願いします」
> It's a preasure to meet you."

>Uwa, I misspoke!


>"It's a 'preasure' to meet you too."

>Yamanouchi-san grinned

>after hanging up the phone.



>S-She made fun of me!!

>I just misspoke a little!!

>Was it really that bad?!

>What do I do, my hands are shaking.

>My legs are shaking too.

>I've got to calm down...



>I bring my hands together,

>and press my palms against my chest.

>My racing heart

>quickly settles down.

>This is a charm.

>It's not very scientific,

>but strangely, I calm down when I do this.

>...It's as if, a film is stretched outside of me,

>separating me from reality...



>Yeah, I'm alright now.


>"Sorry, I'm late!"

>Someone rushed into the office.

>Startled, I turned my gaze,

>and there was――



>Why is she here now!?

>Is she late?


>"What, Sawai is here already?!

[200] あたし、沢井が一階で困ってるかもって
> I thought you might have trouble on the first floor,

[201] わざわざ探しに行ってたのに!」
> so I was out looking all around for you!"


>"I-I'm sorry!"

>...Nagisa-senpai was late because

> she was looking for me...

>Maybe I did something wrong.

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"My, my.

[209] ふたりは知り合いなのね」
> So you two know each other."


>"Yes, Nagisa-senpai was my senpai in high school."


>really is a nurse here...

>Being able to work together with her again... I'm so glad.

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"That saves some time on introductions then."

>The head nurse giggles.

>Kind of feels everyone's like laughing at me.


>"I'm back."

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"And, this is the chief of this department,

[223] 大塚はつみさん」
> Ootsuka Hatsumi-san."

>The chief looks at me.

>Her intense gaze took my breath away.




>Oh... my heart is racing...

>I don't usually feel like this.

>What's wrong with me?

>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"I'm not around the department much.

[234] 実質、この病棟の責任者は主任の大塚さんよ。
> The one really in charge here is Ootsuka-san.

[235] 何かあったら遠慮なく相談しなさいね」
> If you need something, don't hesitate to go to her."

>Why is my heart racing...


>"Y-Yes, I understand."

>Be quiet... This pounding, be quiet!!



[242] 大塚……はつみ、お姉ちゃん……」
> Ootsuki... Hatsumi, oneechan..."

>As soon as I said that, I came to my senses.

>My awareness clears.

>It felt like the charm from before

>had worn off.

>Everyone was giggling.

>My cheeks flushed.


>"Oh my, aren't you happy, supervisor.

[251] こんな可愛い妹ができて!」
> You got yourself such a cute little sister!"



>W-What do I do...

>The chief is 

>staring at me with no expression!

>I'm scared!!

>...But, why

>did I call

>the chief 'Oneechan'?!


>"Why did you

[263] お姉ちゃんだなんて言ったの?」
> call me 'Oneechan'?"


>I have no idea!


>If Nagisa True, Sayuri True, and Hatsumi Normal are all cleared,

>there are options. Otherwise, "For some reason..." is chosen.


>I don't know...

>For some reason...


>"I-I don't know....

[274] 無意識に口からポロッと出ちゃって……」
> It just popped out unconsciously..."


>"Unconsciously, was it."


>"Ah, that happens.

[279] ポロッと言ったが最後、
> The moment you say it,

[280] 赤っ恥が待ってるんよね〜」
> you brace yourself for humiliation~"


>You don't have to say it straight up like that...


>"It's happened to me too.

[285] 先生をお母さんって呼んじゃって
> I called my teacher 'mom'

[286] 笑われちゃったんですよね、小学生の頃に」
> and got laughed at in elementary school."

>...In elementary school...

>Nagisa-senpai, was that on purpose? / {Alternate: Nagisa-senpai, I see what you did there.}
Note: "For some reason..." continues here

>We haven't seen each other in so long, and you're picking on me... Uuuh......


>"F-For some reason..."


>"...For some reason, huh..."


>"As a nurse, people's lives are in your hands, right?

[296] 無意識であっても、不用意な発言は
> Though you may not be conscious of it, careless words

[297] 患者さんを不安にさせるわ、気をつけなさい」
> can make a patient anxious, so please be careful."


>"Y-Yes... Sorry..."


>"'I'm sorry,' not, 'sorry.'

[302] 目上の人には、申し訳ありません。
> When speaking to a superior, it's 'I apologize.'

[303] いつまでも学生気分でいられるのは迷惑よ」
> It will be a problem if you keep acting like a student."


>"Uwa, chief, you're tough.

[306] その通りなだけに、新人にはきっついわ〜」
> What you said is true, but you're being pretty tough on the new girl〜"


>"...I-I apologize..."

>What, is this... bullying?

>I'm going to cry....


>"She's probably just upset

[313] イライラしてるのかも。
> because she had to run around for no reason.

[314] 気にしちゃダメよ?」
> Don't worry about it, okay?"



>【Head Nurse Tokiwa】

>"All right, all right, enough talk.

[319] 夜勤さん、待たせちゃったわね」
> We're keeping the night shifters waiting."



[322] 四月一日、朝の申し送りを始めます。
> We'll now commence with shift change meeting for the morning of April 1st.

[323] おはようございます」
> Good morning everyone."

>Uwa, we're suddenly starting work!?

>Everyone's faces are already in work-mode!

>Quick switch!


>"So, Sawai Kaori-san will be

[329] 今日から勤務開始になりました。
> working here as of today.

[330] 卒後一年目なので、フォローしてあげてください」
> She graduated this year, so please look after her."


[332]「はーい! 新人さんは大歓迎でーす。
>"Right! A big welcome for the newcomer.

[333] 早く仕事覚えて、
> Please learn the job quick

[334] わたしらを楽にさせてくださーい」
> and make things easier on us."


>"You're not gonna quit, are you?"

>She makes her fingers into a gun

>and pretends to shoot.

>What a relief... she seems welcoming...


>"Ah, yes. I'll do my best."


>"Those are words from our newcomer.

[344] 言葉どおり、頑張ってもらいましょう」
> I expect your best, just as you said."

>After the chief spoke in a calm manner,

>giggles spill out from the people in the office.

>Uuh... Will I

>really be able to make it here...?


>what am I supposed to be doing now?

>Can I really just stand here listening?


>"Well then, night shift.

[354] よろしくお願いします」
> Please start."

>One of the nurses from the night shift nodded.

>【Nurse A】


[358] 310の若本さん、昨夜、外泊から戻りました」
> Wakamoto-san from 310 returned from an overnight stay."

>【Nurse A】

>"That said,

[361] 担送12、護送7、独歩6、空床5、総数30。
> Litter 12, escort 7, independant 6, empty 5, total 30.

[362] 夜勤帯入退院なし、変わりありません」
> No one was admitted or discharged during the night shift."

[363]え? え?
>Eh? Eh?



>I don't understand what she's saying!

>【Nurse A】

>"Then, from the critical room{?}. Amino-san of 301 

[369] 昨夜不穏あり、ドクター指示にて
> became agitated last night, and under doctor's directions,

[370] 鎮静剤、いきました」
> a sedative was administered."

[371]え? え?
>Eh? Eh?

>It's all words I don't understand!


>"I'll explain after,

[375] 今は黙って聞いてなさい」
> right now just be quiet and listen."

>Perhaps noticing my panic,

>the chief whispered softly to me.


>"Yes, sorry."


>If "I don't know..." was selected in 0102, display



>"Say, 'I'm sorry,'

[385] すみませんと言いなさい」
> not 'sorry.'"


>"Y-Yes, got it. 

[388] これから気をつけます」
> I'll be careful from now on."


>"...Good answer."


>If "For some reason..." was selected in 0102, display



>"Didn't I tell you to say, 'I'm sorry,'

[396] すみませんと言いなさいと言ったでしょう?
> not 'sorry'?"

[397] 同じことを何度も言わせないで」
> Don't make me repeat myself."


>"S-S-S-Sor... I'm sorry..."


>"Honestly... You're such a..."

>I don't know why, but strangely, the chief's voice

>calmed my feelings.

>She was giving me a warning too, how weird...

>【Nurse A】

>"Afterwards she fell asleep, and remained out until morning.

[407] 今朝の血圧、132/78。
> This morning, her blood pressure was 132/78.

[408] 夕べのことは何も覚えてないそうです」
> It seems she doesn't remember anything about last night."


>"Ahaha, again, huh."

>Um... 'again'?

>I glance at Nagisa-senpai.

>At some point, she had taken out a notebook

>and was writing down the night shift nurse's words

>with amazing vigor.

>It seemed that the night shift nurse,

>after reading off the room numbers and patient names, 

>was explaining what occured during the night shift.

>I looked over suddenly, and Yamanouchi-san

>was also writing on a clipboard.

>Of course,

>they wouldn't remember after hearing just once.

>Tomorrow I'll need to copy it all down too!

>...Although, I don't understand

>what the night shift nurse is saying at all.

>The chief said she would explain afterwards,

>but can I really remember everything... I'm nervous.

>【Nurse A】

>"Wakamoto-san of 310, no changes.

[430] 312、龍角さんもお変わりなしです。
> Ryuukaku-san of 312, no changes either.

[431] 以上です」
> That is all."


>"That concludes the morning shift change meeting.

[434] お疲れ様でした」
> Good work."

>As everyone thanks the night shift nurse(s),

>they take their bags from the back

>and gradually depart.

>They must be heading home.

>...This scene of people starting work

>mixed with people going home

>seems somehow, refreshing...

>Meanwhile, Yamanouchi-san and Nagisa-senpai

>had left their notes before

>exiting the office.

>Huh, where are they going?


>"Sawai-san, stop spacing out

[448] こっちいらっしゃい」
> and come here."

>Before I knew it, the chief, who had moved in front of a desk,

>was beckoning to me.

>A pane of white glass 

>was set into the desk,

>and an x-ray had been affixed to it.


>"Yes, I'm sorry."

>Flustered, I rushed over to the chief.

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