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Yuri Project is an open scanlation website. You are welcome to contribute to a project, we are always in need of more translators, editors and quality checkers.

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>--Did the perpetrator enter from the entrance?

>"I don't know. As I was sleeping, somebody suddenly clapped a hand over my mouth, and I was blindfolded. I couldn't even scream."

>--Do you remember anything about the perpetrator?

>"I can't...The blindfold wasn't removed even once...I was just held down onto the bed, unable to make a sound..."

>"...My clothes were torn off violently, and when I struggled, I was punched. So many times..."

>"Immediately, there was the sound of a lock, and my limbs grew heavy. I knew that my hands and legs had been locked. And after that, the perpetrator..."

───何か犯人は特徴はなかったかな?   男であったとか、女だったとか。
>--There weren't any characteristics the perpetrator showed? That it was a man or a woman? 

>"...I think it was a man. He was very strong."

「なにより、私は…… 処女を奪われたから。指以外のもので」
>"More than anything, I remember virginity was taken from me. From something other than fingers."

>--So, definitely a man?

>"It couldn't have been anything else. It was definitely a man's..."

>--Thank you. You were a big help.

───もし犯人が見つかったら……   犯人をどうしてやりたい?
>--When we find the perpetrator...what would you like us to do with him?

>"I heard that I wasn't the only one violated like this...but I think that everyone shares my opinion."

>"Kill him."



List of all oneshots
List of all series

(Recent Oneshots)

Isn't It Fine To XX Freely
That Red on Me
First Love Mint Blue
Summer Fuse
Girl Who Can't Say No (Daga Kotowaru)
Cubic Starship
Anaerobic Love
Missing Rink Side:Shuri
Missing Rink Side:Rina
Heart Pendant

(Recent Series)

The Rain and the Other Side of You
Hana ni Arashi
Kakegurui Yorozu
Someday, We'll Get There
Honto no Kokoro
Hayate X Blade
Motto Hanjuku Joshi
Yuunagi Marbled
Strange Babies