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Yuri Project is an open scanlation website. You are welcome to contribute to a project, we are always in need of more translators, editors and quality checkers.

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>Immediately after the short meeting, the girl disembarked.

>So-yeon looked up at the sky from the courtyard, chasing the shrinking silhouette of the jet-helicopter with her eyes.

>Helena was berating Anri, who was lying down on a nearby bench, arms folded behind her head.

>Anri, your behaviour is despicable.

>...I'm tired.

>I didn't think she'd take it so hard.

当たり前でしょう? だって彼女は───
>Wasn't it obvious? After all, she was--

>Helena started to chide Anri's optimism again, but kept silent after seeing Anri's unusually depressed expression, 


>...It's pitiable that she's leaving the ship just like that. She hasn't done anything wrong.

>She was scared. Her wounds will never heal. They'll stay with her until she dies. She'll be in pain until she dies.

>How painful must it've been? I can't believe that a human would do this...


>Coming to her side, So-yeon solemnly stared at the side of Anri's face.

>In her heart, Helena reflected over the conversation between Anri and the victim.

List of all oneshots
List of all series

(Recent Oneshots)

Isn't It Fine To XX Freely
That Red on Me
First Love Mint Blue
Summer Fuse
Girl Who Can't Say No (Daga Kotowaru)
Cubic Starship
Anaerobic Love
Missing Rink Side:Shuri
Missing Rink Side:Rina
Heart Pendant

(Recent Series)

The Rain and the Other Side of You
Hana ni Arashi
Kakegurui Yorozu
Someday, We'll Get There
Honto no Kokoro
Hayate X Blade
Motto Hanjuku Joshi
Yuunagi Marbled
Strange Babies