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Yuri Project is an open scanlation website. You are welcome to contribute to a project, we are always in need of more translators, editors and quality checkers.

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>Inboard the ship: the central section.

>They stopped in front of a guestroom. Beside it, a PS was standing guard. She was wearing a uniform like that of a navy guardsman, white decorated with crimson lines.

>The guest rooms were reserved for inboard functions or when the students' families were invited; they were truly VIP rooms.

>Having spoken to her in advance, Helena exchanged a few polite words with the PS, whom she seemed to know, before taking the key to the room.

>Hurried on by Helena, who was ahead of them, So-yeon and Anri went through the door to the room.

>Anri casually looked at the PS out of the corner of her eye.

>Standing at attention, the PS shot Anri a challenging gaze filled with professionalism and integrity.

>It's a shame. There's only a little time left before we take care of you.

>Getting angry, Anri's rebelliousness bubbled to the surface, but thinking again, she shook it off and gave her a gentle smile.

>I like this boat. Most definitely more than you.

>In Anri's mind was the figure of Nicole's beloved dog, Collone. If she thought of this opponent as a guard dog serving the academy, she even seemed cute in comparison.

>The PS just stared at her blankly.

>Entering the room with a subdued atmosphere, the luggage that had been prepared for the student's return home had already been gathered near the entrance.

>In the center of the room, a girl was sitting in a chair, her back facing the door.

>I it's really you--

>Anri remembered her. She was a girl in the second class.

>It's me, Anri Henriette. Thank you for your time. There's something that I'd like to ask you.

>The girl pressed her hands down on her knees and nodded slightly.

List of all oneshots
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(Recent Oneshots)

Isn't It Fine To XX Freely
That Red on Me
First Love Mint Blue
Summer Fuse
Girl Who Can't Say No (Daga Kotowaru)
Cubic Starship
Anaerobic Love
Missing Rink Side:Shuri
Missing Rink Side:Rina
Heart Pendant

(Recent Series)

The Rain and the Other Side of You
Hana ni Arashi
Kakegurui Yorozu
Someday, We'll Get There
Honto no Kokoro
Hayate X Blade
Motto Hanjuku Joshi
Yuunagi Marbled
Strange Babies