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Yuri Project is an open scanlation website. You are welcome to contribute to a project, we are always in need of more translators, editors and quality checkers.

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>Once having decided on 'this', Anri's movements were quick.

>In the space of an instant, Anri had asked about the incident. Summarizing the contents, it would roughly be this.

>The surroundings of every students' room is under 24 hour observation by surveillance cameras.

>If a suspicious person stands at the door, not only will it immediately be known, but a video record will also be left.

>However, there was nothing like that.

>Furthermore, there are also security guards deployed to watch over important parts of every corridor.

>The rotation of the guards overlaps, and they are observe each other to prevent any irregularity or mistakes.

>And even if all the PS' hidden activities aren't active, if something abnormal happens, a report is immediately sent to the head of the Academy.

>Even the president of Islamic countries who fear assassins don't have this much security.

>─claimed the PS.

>While the PS was being questioned, So-yeon, at Anri's side, was extremely excited, and didn't calm down.

>... ...

どうしたの? ボクの顔に何かついてる?
>What's wrong? Is there something on my face?

>Ah, no! Um, I was just thinking that it was amazing...

>Anri had repeatedly provoked the PS, pulling out information, and finally, she had gathered everything while continuing to be respectful.

>Once again, So-yeon became tongue-tied at Anri's personality.

>Anri is indeed disliked by the PS. However, rather than just being hated, it seemed that they're especially bad with her, because she was so hard to deal with.

>Even if Anri had showed any anger towards the PS, Anri herself isn't cunning.

>Oh, did I seem that way? Inside my heart, I thought that I'd probably be sent all the way to the bottom of the hold, I was seriously afraid!

List of all oneshots
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(Recent Oneshots)

Isn't It Fine To XX Freely
That Red on Me
First Love Mint Blue
Summer Fuse
Girl Who Can't Say No (Daga Kotowaru)
Cubic Starship
Anaerobic Love
Missing Rink Side:Shuri
Missing Rink Side:Rina
Heart Pendant

(Recent Series)

The Rain and the Other Side of You
Hana ni Arashi
Kakegurui Yorozu
Someday, We'll Get There
Honto no Kokoro
Hayate X Blade
Motto Hanjuku Joshi
Yuunagi Marbled
Strange Babies